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10 Days Luxury Uganda Safari Gorillas Primates & Big Five

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10 Days Luxury Uganda Safari Gorillas Primates & Big Five

The 10 Days Luxury Uganda Safari Gorillas Primates & Big Five unleashes the best Uganda has to offer. It takes you for an amazing experience in the Pearl of Africa. However, you will also get a chance to visit Uganda’s best national parks which are Murchison falls National Park, Kibale Forest National Park, Queen Elizabeth National Park, Bwindi Impenetrable forest National Park, Lake Mburo National Park and also Lake Bunyonyi. You will get a chance to see all of Africa’s big 5 mammals (Lions, Leopard, Elephants, Buffaloes, Rhinos)

Safari destinations
Murchison Falls National Park

The safari starts in Murchison Falls National Park. It is located in North Western part of Uganda covering areas like Masindi, Buliisa, Kiryandongo, Nwoya, Amuru, Pakwach. The park is the largest National park in Uganda with an area of 3840sq.kms. Through a game drive and a boat cruise on the Nile River, you will encounter the Big 5 mammal species like elephants, leopards, lions, buffaloes and the rhinos, you will also get an opportunity to view the Nile crocodiles, Hippos, bush bucks  Giraffes, Uganda kobs, Bushbucks, Elephants, Hartebeests, Oribis, waterbucks, warthogs, hyenas and various bird species like black bee eater, rare shoebill stork, weavers, grey crowned cranes, Abyssinian ground hornbill, Black-headed lapwing, Senegal thick-knee among others.

Kibale Forest National Park

From Murchison Falls National Park, you will visit Kibale Forest National Park found in Kabarole district which is known for Chimpanzee trekking. It offers excellent opportunities for chimpanzee tracking, as well as for observing other primates such as colobus monkeys, red-tailed monkeys, and L’Hoest’s monkeys. In addition to primates, the park also provides a habitat for over 375 species of birds like  African pied wagtail, Great blue turaco, Pin-tailed whydah, Slender-billed weaver, Tropical boubou, and black bee eater. You will spend a day trekking through the forest to see the primates up close, learning about their behavior and watching them interact with each other.

Queen Elizabeth National Park

After Kibale, you will then visit Queen Elizabeth National Park which is one of  Uganda’s most visited national parks. Queen Elizabeth National Park owns unmatched beautiful features such as crater lakes, the famous Kazinga channel, forested Gorges and Savannah plains. It is also home to 95 mammal species including the 4 members of the big 5 such as Lions, Leopards, Elephants and Buffaloes, however other species include warthogs, Hippos, hyenas, Ugandan kobs, oribis, topis, bush bucks, waterbucks, giant forest hogs, chimpanzees, Nile crocodiles among others. The park boosts of various Bird species like grey crowned cranes, Martial eagle, shoebill, African green pigeon, handsome francolin, Nubian wood pecker, swamp flycatcher, grey crowned heron, black bee eater, African skimmer Here you will go for a game drive and Boat cruise on Kazinga Chanel to see wildlife and birdlife.

Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park

You will then proceed to Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park which is one of Uganda’s oldest rainforests aged more than 25000 years with about 400 plant species. The park is known for having almost half of the World’s remaining population of Mountain Gorillas. The park has about 459 Mountain Gorillas with 21 habituated families living in all the sectors of the park which are  Buhoma, Rushaga, Nkuringo, and Ruhija. You will spend a day tracking mountain gorillas, taking their pictures and enjoying their behavior however, you will also visit the batwa community and know their way of living.

Mgahinga Gorilla National Park

The tour ends with a visit at Mgahinga Gorilla National Park and Lake Mburo National Park. Mgahinga Gorilla National Park is the smallest National park in Uganda with an area approximately 33.7 sq.km. The park is located in the extreme boarder between Uganda and Rwanda. Mgahinga Gorilla National Park boosts of being the only park in Uganda where one can trek the Golden monkeys and also the Silverback Gorillas. The park boosts of about 76 mammal species including  forest elephants, buffaloes, bushbucks, black fronted duikers, giant forest hogs, golden cats, bush pigs, rodents, bats and also various bird species like handsome spur fowl, dusky crimson-wing, Rwenzori turaco, Rwenzori batis, Rwenzori double-collard sunbird, blue headed sunbird, regal sunbird, red-faced woodland warbler among others.

Lake Mburo National Park

One of the smallest parks in Uganda but this does not mean it has less to offer; It is a home to a variety of wildlife including Zebras, Impalas, buffaloes, bush pig, topis, crocodiles, elands, buffalos, oribi, waterbuck, leopard, hippo, hyena, topis and reedbuck., and many more. Bird species like African Fin foot, pied kingfisher, bare faced go away, Red faced barbet, Greater painted snipe, Black bellied Bustard, Blue breasted kingfisher, African wattled lawing, striped kingfisher can also be sighted.  Here you will relax and enjoy the scenery. The Park’s topography and vegetation are made of falling and raising hillsides, rocky outcrops, open and wooden grassland, rich acacia tree valleys, forests, bushes and thickets together with permanent and seasonal swamps along the shores of the Lakes.


Day 1: Arrival and pick up from Entebbe International Airport – Transfer to your Hotel

Day 1 of the 10 Days Luxury Uganda Safari Gorillas Primates & Big Five will start with a pick from Entebbe International Airport. You will be picked up from Entebbe International Airport or your hotel in Kampala by our experienced driver guide from Paradise Adventure Vacations who will brief you about the 10 days Uganda Safari Tour & Holiday. The drive is about 45 minutes from the Airport. Upon arrival at your hotel, you will check in and have a rest from your long Journey. If time allows us either we can visit Entebbe botanical gardens or Kampala city tour where you will explore the historical places of Uganda such as Kabaka’s palace, Uganda National Museum, Namugongo martyr’s shrines, Kasubi tombs (One of the UNESCO’S recognized site) depending on your arrival time.

Location: Kampala Uganda

Accommodation Option:

Luxury  Latitude 0 Degrees or Similar

Meals Plan: Breakfast and Dinner, a selection of drinks, laundry, and activities at the lodge

Drinking Water and Fruits Throughout the journey


Day 2: Transfer to Murchison Falls National Park via Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary for Rhino Tracking

Day 2 of your 10 Days Luxury Uganda Safari Gorillas Primates & Big Five, Wake up for an early morning breakfast and begin your panoramic road drive northwest of Uganda through the famous Luwero Triangle with an en-route stop at Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary. It is the only place in Uganda where you can find these peaceful members of the big five family in their natural habitat. On your arrival at Ziwa Rhino sanctuary, you will go for Rhino trekking adventure which will provide you with opportunities to explore them close to their feet.

During your trek, you have to keep your camera on standby such that you do not miss out any moment. You will return back for a delicious lunch break and continue your drive to Murchison falls national park for Dinner and overnight. The highlights of this park include; the roaring rapids of the Murchison, the rolling plains of Uganda’s largest national park where you will have the chance of viewing lions, giraffes, hartebeest, buffalo, and elephants.

Location: Murchison Falls National Park

Accommodation Option:

Luxury  Paraa Safari Lodge or Similar

Meals Plan: Breakfast and Lunch as well as Dinner, a selection of drinks, laundry, and activities at the lodge

Drinking Water and Fruits Throughout the journey


Day 3: Murchison Falls National Park – Early Morning Game Drive – Afternoon Boat Cruise – Hike to the Top of the fall – Evening to Night Game Drive

Wake up for an early morning breakfast, prepare yourself for another exciting encounter. Day 3 of your 10 Days Luxury Uganda Safari Gorillas Primates & Big Five starts with an early morning game drive through different trails of the park like Albert trail, buligi trail and the Victoria trail. Here, you will meet eye to eye with different mammal species like Buffaloes, elephants, lions, leopards, bush barks, giraffes among others, return to your lodge for relaxation and lunch.

Later in the afternoon, embark on an afternoon boat cruise upstream to the bottom of the falls and while on the cruise, you will see the Nile crocodiles resting on the shores, elephants swimming and drinking water, herds of hippos yawning while in water, bird species like the black bee eater, grey crowned crane, marabou stork and many others, you will have a view of the magnificent Murchison falls as it roars and pours its waters through a narrow 8m gorge.

After the cruise, continue with a hike to the top of the falls for another breathtaking moment. You will then have a 30 minutes rest and proceed for a Unique Evening to Night game drive with an armed park ranger and spotlight torches which will help you spot predators as they hunt like hyenas, leopards, lions, bush babies, hippos among others then return for your dinner as well as an overnight.

Location: Murchison Falls National Park

Accommodation Option:

Luxury  Paraa Safari Lodge or Similar

Meals Plan: Breakfast and Lunch as well as Dinner, a selection of drinks, laundry, and activities at the lodge

Drinking Water and Fruits Throughout the journey


Day 4: Transfer to Kibale Forest National Park – Bigodi Wetland and Community Visit

You will wake up early morning for a delicious breakfast on day 4 of the 10 Days Luxury Uganda Safari Gorillas Primates & Big Five and then proceed for a drive to Kibale National park which is located in Western region of Uganda in Kabarole district. This drive will take about 5 hours and it will offer you magnificent scenic views of Uganda’s landscape as you drive to the park.

Enroute to your destination, you will have a lunch stopover in Fort Portal Tourism City and upon arrival at the park, you will visit Bigodi Wetland for a Swamp walk and during this walk you will spot some butterfly species and birds like the Black-crowned Waxbill, White-spotted Fluff tail, White-breasted Negrofinch, Yellow-spotted Barbet, Black Bishop, Hairy-breasted Barbet, Yellow-billed Barbet, Brown-crowned Tchagra, Black & white Shrike-flycatcher, Western Nicator, Superb Sunbird, among others. You will then proceed for a community walk where you will see and taste the Gins brewed from bananas, craft making, coffee processing as well as enjoying a Cultural dance and then proceed to your lodge for dinner and an overnight.

Location: Kibale Forest National Park

Accommodation Option:

Luxury  Chimpundu lodgee or Similar

Meals Plan: Breakfast and Lunch as well as Dinner, a selection of drinks, laundry, and activities at the lodge

Drinking Water and Fruits Throughout the journey


Day 5: Kibale Forest National Park – Chimpanzee Trekking and later Transfer to Queen Elizabeth National Park with Evening Game Drive

Wake up early morning for a heavy breakfast and start Day 5 of your 10 Days Luxury Uganda Safari Gorillas Primates & Big Five. Wear appropriate clothing like long sleeved shirt, a pair of karky or jean trousers, a round cap,  water proof boots and a heavy sweater to protect you from the falling tree branches and also in case of bad weather.  Also carry in your back packs some snacks and drinking water to help keep you hydrated during the trek since it may take about 1 to 5 hours to find the Chimpanzees depending on their location.

Chimpanzee Trekking

Then you will proceed to Kanyachu Visitor center for a briefing about the Do’s and the Don’ts of the park, while here, you will be assigned a Park ranger who will take you through the forest and also a chimpanzee family to look out for. During the trek, you will spot primates like the black and white colobus monkeys, the red tailed monkeys, olive baboons, red colobus monkeys, grey cheeked mangabey, L’Hoest’s monkey, Mantled guereza, Potto, Vervet monkey, White-eyelid mangabey, Galago among others and also various bird species like olive long-tailed cuckoo, western tinker bird, blue headed sunbird, red faced woodland, grey parrot, yellow spotted nicator, little greenbul, blue breasted king fisher, among other bird species.

Upon finding the chimpanzees, you will have a full 1 hour encounter with them while learning their behaviors, social life, how they feed and play, feel free to ask the park ranger as many questions as possible. You will return to your lodge for lunch, check out then proceed with the drive to Queen Elizabeth National park which is about 2 hours’ drive from Kibale National park.

Transfer to Queen Elizabeth National Park with Evening Game Drive

Later in the evening, you will go out for an evening game drive with a 4×4 safari vehicle alongside an experienced guide who will help you spot wildlife such as elephants, buffaloes, lions, hyenas, and many species of antelopes. The game drive will last for about 3 hours. Take many photos as you can and also don’t hesitate to ask questions. After the Game drive return to your lodge for dinner and overnight.

Location: Queen Elizabeth National Park

Accommodation Option:

Luxury  Mweya Safari Lodge or Similar

Meals Plan: Breakfast and Lunch as well as Dinner, a selection of drinks, laundry, and activities at the lodge

Drinking Water and Fruits Throughout the journey


Day 6: Queen Elizabeth National Park – Experiential Lion and Leopard tracking and Boat Cruise along Kazinga Channel

You will rise up early on Day 7 of the 10 Days Luxury Uganda Safari Gorillas Primates & Big Five and have a hot delicious breakfast and head out for the experiential Lion and Leopard tracking along the Kasenyi plains. The Kasenyi sector is found in open ground which helps to attract big game, while there, you will interface with the predators under the guidance of a ranger guide who will drive around the park with radiation trackers. During the drive, you will have an opportunity to spot lions, elephants, birds, antelopes, hyenas and many more. The park remains green all throughout the year and because of this, it offers beautiful views of Uganda’s countryside.

After enjoying the scenic beauty and Wildlife, you will head back to the lodge for a mouthwatering lunch, thereafter, you will head out for an ultimate afternoon boat cruise at Kazinga channel. Kazinga Channel is one of the most impressive features in Queen Elizabeth National Park, it is a narrow water stream joining Lake George to Lake Edward with over 32 km of length and it is known for having the highest concentration of hippos and Nile crocodiles. While on the cruise, you will view the herds of hippos, elephants, Nile crocodiles and also various bird species like the martial eagle, shoebill, grey crowned crane, African green pigeon, and handsome francolin among other bird species, you will then return back to your accommodation for dinner and an overnight.

Location: Queen Elizabeth National Park

Accommodation Option:

Luxury  Mweya Safari Lodge or Similar

Meals Plan: Breakfast and Lunch as well as Dinner, a selection of drinks, laundry, and activities at the lodge

Drinking Water and Fruits Throughout the journey


Day 7: Transfer to Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park via Ishasha Sector for Tree Climbing Lions

Day 7 of your 10 Days Luxury Uganda Safari Gorillas Primates & Big Five will begin with a hot breakfast and then you will check out of your accommodation to proceed to Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park which is located south of Queen Elizabeth National Park and it will take about 5 hours to reach the Northern sector of Buhoma. During your journey out of Queen Elizabeth, you will drive through Ishasha sector to search for the tree climbing lions which are usually resting on the branches of trees and other wildlife like Topis, Aardvark, lions, elephants, monkeys, Uganda kobs, Hippos, leopards, water buck among others which are found in this sector of the park, you will have a lunch stopover in Kihihi and proceed to Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park for dinner and an overnight.

Location: Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park

Accommodation Option:

Luxury Mahogany Springs Lodge or Similar

Meals Plan: Breakfast and Lunch as well as Dinner, a selection of drinks, laundry, and activities at the lodge

Drinking Water and Fruits Throughout the journey


Day 8: Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park – Gorilla Trekking – Batwa Community Encounter and Transfer to Lake Bunyonyi

Upon waking up by the beautiful sounds of the birds singing in the sky, you will start your day 8 of the 10 Days Luxury Uganda Safari Gorillas Primates & Big Five with an early morning breakfast. Wear appropriate clothing for the day like a long sleeved shirt, a pair of karky or jean trousers, a round cap, water proof boots to protect you against the falling tree branches of the Impenetrable forest and also in case of bad weather,  Pack some snacks and water to help in keeping you hydrated during the trek.

Gorilla Trekking

Proceed to the park’s headquarters for a briefing on the Do’s and the Don’ts while you are with the mountain gorillas, you will also be assigned a park ranger who will guide you during the trek and also a gorilla family to look out for and then start the search for the mountain gorillas which will take about 1 to 7 hours depending on their location.

During your trek, you will encounter various primate species like the black and white colobus monkeys, red tailed monkeys, grey mangabey, and blue monkeys. As your gaze meets the gentle eyes of Africa’s dark-furred Great Apes, you will be allowed to spend a maximum of 1 hour with these majestic creatures as you watch and capture every moment while they go about their day to day activities.

During this time you will learn about their ways of life and also try to relate with them so they become used to human presence, your guide will be available to answer any questions you need to know. You will also stand a chance to see many forest dwellers you meet on your way during the search of gorillas including different species of birds, elephant, and antelopes. If lucky, you can as well see chimpanzees. Bwindi is one of the parks where gorillas and chimpanzees coexist in the same environment, you will then return back to your accommodation for a delicious lunch.

Batwa Community Encounter

Later you will visit the Batwa community who were the early inhabitants of the ancient Impenetrable forest before it became a National park and also a UNESCO World heritage site in 1992 and learn about their social ways of life, how they hunt for food in their ancient ways, visit a Batwa homestead to watch how they dance and also hear ancient legends and their folk songs and then you will transfer to Lake Bunyonyi for your dinner and an overnight.

Location: Lake Bunyonyi

Accommodation Option:

Luxury  Arcadia Cottage Lake Bunyonyi or Similar

Meals Plan: Breakfast and Lunch as well as Dinner, a selection of drinks, laundry, and activities at the lodge

Drinking Water and Fruits Throughout the journey


Day 9: Lake Bunyonyi – Relaxation at Leisure – Drive to Lake Mburo National Park – Evening to Night Game drive

Upon waking up, you will have an early morning breakfast as you start your day 9 of the 10 Days Luxury Uganda Safari Gorillas Primates & Big Five, you will have breakfast and then check out of your accommodation. You will leave Lake Bunyonyi and travel to Lake Mburo National Park which is located in the western part of Uganda. The drive will take approximately 4-5 hours. It is one of Uganda’s smallest but most beautiful national parks. Lake Mburo is famous for having the largest population of Zebras and Impalas in Uganda. It is made of seasonal swamps, woody Savannah grassland that is dominated by acacia and Lakes.

Upon arrival,   you will check into your lodge, have lunch and relaxation as you prepare for the night Game drive. Later in the evening, prepare and move out for the night game drive. Night Game drives in Lake Mburo National Park in Uganda are the most ideal for you. Notably known as the only park where you can spot an exceptional number of impalas than in any of the other Savannah parks. These game drives will also give you a wonderful experience for extraordinary sightseeing, viewing of diverse wildlife species. Through a network of game tracks tourists are able to see animals ranging from Zebras, Impalas, giraffes, warthogs, buffaloes, hyenas. Waterbucks, elands, oribi, hippos, crocodiles, reedbucks and many others. Then after, you will be transferred to your lodge for dinner and overnight.

Location: Lake Mburo National Park

Accommodation Option:

Luxury  Mihingo Lodge or Similar

Meals Plan: Breakfast and Lunch as well as Dinner, a selection of drinks, laundry, and activities at the lodge

Drinking Water and Fruits Throughout the journey


Day 10: Early Morning Nature Walk & Travel Back to Entebbe International Airport
Early Morning Nature Walk

After Breakfast on 10 Days Luxury Uganda Safari Gorillas Primates & Big Five, you will head out for a Nature walk within the park with an armed Uganda Wildlife Authority ranger guide which will take about 2 to 3 hours, this experience in Lake Mburo national park will take you off the main paths and you will go deep into the bush trails to enjoy the park and see herds of zebras, giraffes, Elands, impalas, buffalos, Defassa waterbucks, oribis, leopards, hippos, hyenas, Topis and reedbuck among others.

Travel Back to Entebbe International Airport

After this unique experience, you will then drive to Entebbe International Airport to catch up with your flight. You will have your lunch stopover Enroute Thus the end of your 10 Days Uganda Safari Tour & Holiday.

Thank you so much for specifically choosing Paradise Adventure Vacations, on 10 Days Uganda Safari Tour & Holiday and we hope to see you again in Uganda the pearl of Africa!!

Location: Kampala (City)

Accommodation Option: No 

Meals Plan: Breakfast and Lunch 

Drinking Water and Fruits Throughout the journey


The Safari Package Includes:

Return airport transfers (pick up and drop off)

Private transport for 10 days in a well-modified safari Extended land-cruiser (4WD,air-conditioned and pop-up roof)

Rhino Tracking in Ziwa rhino Sanctuary

Flue for 10 days

English safari driver guide for 10 days

Luxury accommodation for 9 night on full board (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner)

All en-route meals and bottled mineral water throughout your tour

All park entrance and activities feel and all applicable government taxes

Afternoon game in Lake Mburo National Park

Horse Riding in Lake Mburo National Park

Bigodi sanctuary swamp and community safari

1 Chimpanzee Trekking permit per person (Kibale forest national park)

1 Mountain gorilla trekking permit in Bwindi impenetrable forest national park (Buhoma sector )

A visit to the Equator land mark

Batwa Community Encounter

Drinking Water and Fruits Throughout the journey

Alcoholic and other soft drinks (sodas, special juice order at the lodge and wines)


The Safari Package Excludes:

International and domestic flights

Country entry visa

Personal travel insurance

Items of personal nature/laundry/telephone charges

Souvenirs and gifts, Tips


Passenger Information on 10 Days Uganda Safari Tour & Holiday

In case of non-availability, we may have to reroute and provide alternative accommodation at lodges of similar category.

Passengers should bring only soft sided bags on safaris as our vehicles have limited luggage space

All the passengers must have Identification Card/Passport with them throughout their travel

Our Safari Vehicles Seating Plan - 4x4 Safari Land Cruiser Extended

Safari Vehicles Seating Plan

All our Safari vehicles are Toyota Land-cruiser 4×4 with pop-up roofs. The vehicles are serviced and maintained to a very high standard before, during and after every safari. Paradise Adventure Vacations Ltd offering all-wheel drive safari vehicles suitable for off-road driving, which enable travelers to discover the magical areas of East Africa in a pleasant and reliable manner.

Our fleet consists of 4×4 Toyota Land cruisers with a hinged roof and skylights above the front seats. The hinged roof offers two main advantages: it provides shade without restricting the view, so that you can enjoy your safari even in the very sunny hours of the day. It also allows a 360-degree all-round view.

Our Vehicles Are Equipped With:

  • Adjustable comfortable seats
  • Electric refrigerator for drinks
  • High-performance shock absorbers
  • Tool & first aid kit
  • Adapters and battery chargers

Due to the difficult ground and road conditions inside and outside the national parks and wildlife reserves, a four-wheel drive vehicle is not only recommended, but also crucial for an eventful safari.

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